is this the most driven forwarder in the world?

Coffee and proper cream cake. That’s the right way to celebrate in Finland. 80 000 hours is worth it.

“The new seat that was installed in 1999 is far from comfortable today”, Erkki Rinne says. He still manages to do 20-hour shifts with it. Hats off!
80 000 hours.
That’s remarkable amount of work hours to a single machine – and it’s only driver and owner. Usually you cannot find used machines hours after 40 000+ hours, work hour meter just stops working – or hour bookkeeping gets lost. That is not the case with this Norcar 600 owned by Erkki Rinne. The machine is taken well care of, even Diesel engine is original.
– I bought this machine from Logset in 1999, it had 12 000 hours in it. We have made full maintenance for main engine few years ago, at 56 000 hours. Every time we have fixed something, we have also upgraded it. I think it just got better when it gets old, Erkki laughs.
Erkki likes the agility and the weight of the machine, it works really well for soft grounds he drives. Also Logset’s service has been working really well.
– I have always had help and answers when I’ve needed them. You don’t find new parts for machine is this old. Nässlin (Lars-Erik) has always found out some refurbished parts for me somewhere, Erkki says.
– We have skilled welder and workshop in my home town, Isojoki. We have done fixes there when needed. I’ve got more power and usability by replacing bigger oil cooler and engine coolers, also air conditioning is upgraded. Even crane is still original, we have replaced only turntable. Body needs some welding time after time, it is no exceptional when talking 30-year old machine.
– Next summer we will replace the main engine, I have another one with less kilometres in stock, I bought it from Koivulahti factory few years ago. With new engine we will easily drive as long as needed before my retirement, says Erkki Rinne.

80 000 hour celebration was held together with people who have been at Logset trough it’s whole history. From the left: retired mechanic Ralf Westlin, Erkki Rinne, Arto Luoma and parts manager Lars-Erik Nässlin. Erkki received Logset anniversary watch for his hard work and good relationship with Logset.
Detective work
As usual in Finland, Logset staff ordered a cream cake for 80 000 hour celebration at Logset Service headquarters in Vanha Vaasa, Finland. Lots of all-time Logsetters were involved, and also whole service personnel was present. Retired mechanic Ralf Westlin, who knows Norcar machines very well was pleased to meet old customers. Parts manager Lars-Erik Nässlin and Arto Luoma have been working at Logset trough it’s whole history.
– This must be the last ones of Norcars ever made, this is made in 1991, says Lars-Erik Nässlin.
– Trying to find parts to this old lady, it is like detective work!
Norcar machines was made totally 500 units. Logset service has taken care of them since start of the company in 1992.