TH65 3.3 – What has changed?

Logset’s 3.3 series harvester head was presented at FinnMetko 2022. Sufficient user experience has been accumulated, and the renewal can be said to have been very successful. 

EXPERIENCED thirty something plus

The first Logset harvesting head was introduced in 1993 together with the 500H harvester. From the beginning, special attention has been paid to durability, efficiency and operational reliability. The Logset harvester head received the biggest modifications when changing to the TH series in 2011. At that time, the basic idea of how to handle logs substantially changed. Previous harvester heads relied on compression force when processing a log, with the TH series the log floats freely on the blades and is not supported by the compression force of the feeder wheels. This basic idea essentially eases the stress on the harvester head. With the TH series, Logset harvester heads have been also installed on excavators.

The now updated version of the 3.3 has improved significantly yet again. Along with the new hydraulic block, the floating shock valves were also renewed, which makes the lumber handling smoother. This makes much easier to handle difficult lumber types. Sawing has considerably more power thanks to the boost function of the new saw valve. The controllability of the saw is also more precise. The new routing of the hydraulic hoses reduces the possibility of hose damages, as the hoses are now better protected, in addition to the hoses, the electrical and sensor connectors were more organised to maximize serviceability.


Entistäkin tarkempi ohjaus ja hallinta


Tehokkaampi sahaus uuden sahausventtiilin avulla


Erinomainen säänkestävyys

  • selkeämmät reititykset
  • parempi suojaus

Uuusi hydraulilohko helpottaa säädettävyyttä, lisää voimaa ja nopeutta


Tehokkaampi syöttö uuden syötönkaran ansiosta

Satisfied users
Kenneth Storsjö is a satisfied Logset entrepreneur and user from Maalahti. Storsjö uses, among other things, an 8H GTE Hybrid-harvester equipped with a TH65 3.3, which operates mainly in the coastal area south of Vaasa. The harvester and harvesting head have already been driven for more than 4,000 hours, the machine was delivered for use in June 2022. 
User feedback is unreservedly positive.
– Yes that is good!
When asked in more detail, driver Felix Ståhle says that operational reliability is extremely good. There have been no hose damages at all, usability is effortless and precise throughout.

Kari Kangas is one of the developers of the renewed harvesting head. According to Kari, efficiency, adjustability and ease of maintenance are TH65 3.3’s 
most important benefits for the end user.


– Yes, the biggest change is the new valve table, which provides plenty of adjustable features. The new valve block is more spacious inside, it produces lower back pressures, which reduces fuel consumption. Maintenance and device adjustment is easy, hoses and electrical kits can be quickly replaced. When you open the bonnet, the sensor plugs literally jump into your lap, laughs Logset’s long-term product development manager Kari Kangas.

It’s easy to believe his word, Kari has experience with harvester implementation for almost 20 years, before he settled down in Logset’s product development.
– A little more intelligence has been added to the sawing device. The sawing process is smooth and efficient. The new saw valve brings a sort of a boost function, which the user will surely notice immediately after using it for the first time. All in all, the new harvester head is a more efficient, faster to handle and more reliable as a whole, Kari sums up.

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TH65 3.3 – What has changed?

Logset’s 3.3 series harvester head was presented at FinnMetko 2022. Sufficient user experience has been accumulated, and the renewal can be said to have been